Archive for March, 2012

Flying With the Brakes Off

Posted: March 31, 2012 in Uncategorized

It was a little phrase I used when telling myself something at a New Year’s party. It’ll have been right about when people were asking each other about New Year’s resolutions. Nobody asked me apart from me, and I didn’t have any to make anyway. Alternatively, perhaps it was the only resolution I actually made. But I raised my glass in the Auld Lang Syne toast and said to myself, ‘okay – just get stuff started, send it off and see what happens…’

My plans were not too outlandish. I finally caved in and opened a Twitter account. I thought I’d take on some of my Day Zero plans and see how I got on (though like many of us, I could probably be doing better if you asked me) and thought I’d dust off my longest-serving manuscript and see if anyone was up for it.

And as I wrote in my last update, things are on the move! The wonderful people at Xchyler Publishing have picked up my first full novel and it will be available in the coming months! I will, of course, keep everyone updated there.

Now, if you read my last post, you will probably already know this. So over the coming weeks, I shall both a) force myself into more regular posting and b) give you a bit more background on the novel, as quite expectedly, one of the first questions people have asked is what it’s all about.

This novel is called Misery’s Tear – so named, as I needed one person to point out to me (thanks, Katy!), for the obvious reason of it being the name of the necklace that the story revolves around. There’s more to it than that, but clearly I’d love for people to buy it, so that’ll do for now. However, I’ll give you the official blurb:

As she awakens from a coma, only two memories remain to her: how she got there – a violent, near-fatal attack at a London Underground station, and a conversation with Tally, a long-dead woman. Tally assures her that all of her questions will be answered, as soon as she retrieves a necklace named Misery’s Tear. Not remembering who she is, Tally leaves her one other thing – the name ‘Rose’ – a name which doesn’t fit somehow…

Rose finds herself with wild new powers that affect both the living and the dead. Together with her new friends, Jennifer and Kara, she embarks on a quest to get to the bottom of her own amnesia and discover who she really is. As her story unfolds, it becomes clear that both her fate, and that of Tally, are intertwined. But time is running out as her would-be killer and his even more psychotic mistress wreak havoc around London looking for her…

It’s going to be a debut novel release, though not strictly speaking the first novel I completed. I did *technically* finish one for my M.A. project, and in fact three of these characters debuted in some basic form back then too. It was like those episodes of The Simpsons that used to be on the Tracey Ullman show to say, season 10 or something.

I have done a lot of things in threes on this adventure. I wrote Misery’s Tear in three parts. Counting Rose and her two adventuring companions, that’s another three. And ultimately, what I’ve ended up with is a plan to write a three novel series, each focusing on a different character, though with a continuous central plot. That’s the plan, anyway.

Rose’s story, by nature takes a more paranormal spin than the others will, simply because her powers are entirely linked to her connection between the living and the dead. I can tell you I’ve started a draft of the follow-up, and already it feels very different to this one. But that is, quite literally, another story…

So, this year’s no different to any other in that I don’t have a clue how it’s going to turn out. However, as far as starting with things like this go, I’m just going to enjoy the ride. Who knows? I wasn’t expecting to ever visit Russia in my lifetime, but I made it over last year…


Posted: March 22, 2012 in Uncategorized

I haven’t posted for longer than scheduled. I got a fair way through a post a couple of weeks ago but I’m now saving it – as it is literally another story…

My quest from day one of this blog has been going really well lately! I’ve had some cool stuff happen. A few jobs have come in on the copy editing side, one of which being a new wargame which has just gone live. Check out Realm – it’s a fantasy setting with some twists on what you may know and a great background. I can’t take any credit for writing it, but would like to give a big shout to the man who did – David Lascelles. Also thanks to David, I went from having a quick look at one or two of his pieces for the game to being brought on board for the whole thing! Look on the ‘About’ section by the way – that’s me on the editing credits!

Now, it’s new and needs your support as a product – and as such is after a little funding. In return, more fun stuff will become available – especially if you want more artwork like that rather excellent wallpaper on the site. Also, because it’s basically a nice online, ‘living’ document, the idea is that the content stays fresh and regularly updated, so you don’t have to clear room on your shelves for your 4th Edition book, Player’s Guide, Nation Guide or all that. It’s all looking shiny – so get yourselves on to the Indiegogo site (it’s a little like Kickstarter) and see what it’s all about there too!

The other big thing is that I’ve just signed a contract with Xchyler Publishing! You’ll be able to see pics, a bio and everything!! More news as it comes, but a story that some of you have kindly read and offered useful feedback on at points in the last few years is sat on someone’s desk and will at some point in the near future be unleashed upon the general public as a whole. This is, of course, both hugely exciting and utterly terrifying at the same time! Even releasing a Facebook page for this sort of thing is kind of scary…

Right – now that I’ve both caught everything up and made these announcements, my next job is to ensure I kick myself up the backside and make sure I have something for you to read regularly enough. I need a plan to reward certain ‘like’ landmarks on my FB page, catch up with a bunch of stuff I want to post about on here, that sort of thing.

So I shall see you soon! Also – yay!!